Do you know what sustains our lives? It's blood. Blood has been regarded as the source of vitality and health, and has important physiological significance. Nowadays, more and more people are willing to donate blood, but also unpaid blood donation, it has become the dedication of love. No, a moving story is pouring in
You must know Jay Chou. You must like Han Geng, but do you know Wang Zeqian? Wang Zeqian is an ordinary farmer. Every three months, he would walk dozens of miles of mountain roads to the county seat, and then the car to the blood center, in order to donate a apheresis platelet here. For 11 years, regardless of wind and rain, busy or slack, he has been quietly persisted.
Wang Zeqian ah, Wang Zeqian, you let us know that the original need to adhere to, not necessarily a habit or own dream. We can also donate blood. In accordance with the idea of "donating blood without blood and saving lives", countless lives can see the dawn of life again, and can live with us in this wonderful world.
Next, I'd like to introduce you to a blood hero. The hero has donated blood for 5 years. What amount is this? It's equivalent to the blood of 5 adults. And the only one who made this feat was Guo Qingjian, an ordinary worker. But unfortunately, the hero's life ended abruptly because of a car accident. Until then, people knew that he had donated blood as his lifelong glory. I watched the hero portrait screen, and he left the 14 and the 3 national blood donation certificate certificate of honor, my eyes moist. Here, let's say to the hero, all the way!
Blood donors for the noble life-saving purpose to donate blood, is a kind of "all for me, I for social relief behavior all", is a kind of love, is an important manifestation of the humanitarian spirit.
The implementation of voluntary blood donation is conducive to carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and is also an important measure to promote civilization construction. Every healthy citizen should take an active part in it. I think, when I'm adult, I'm going to donate blood!
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